Zendocrine!!!!!!!! Did you know you can use oils on your pets? Here's my story!📃 One of our dogs Rizzo🐶, was extremely whiney. My husband and I didn't know what was going on but noticed when she went to "potty" nothing was happening. She was miserable and we felt miserable for her.😥 To the vet we went! 💸💵$250 later with antibiotic in hand, we found she had a UTI. After consulting a few doTERRA wellness advocates, we found a better and $25 solution, Zendocrine! That insane vet stop was nearly 3 years ago and Rizzo hasn't had an infection since! Ingredients in Zendocrine: Tangerine Peel🍊: Extremely high in limonene, known for its purifying benefits Rosemary Leaf🍃: Supports a healthy liver and gallbladder Geranium Plant🌱: Supports the body’s natural ability to rid itself of unwanted substances Juniper Berry♻️: Powerful detoxifier for the body’s systems Cilantro Herb🌿: Supports the body’s natural process of eliminating toxins